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October 8, 2008

5 Reasons You Should Get a Home Security System

You’ve been thinking about a home security system for some time, but you haven’t decided whether to make the commitment. On the one hand, you’d love the peace of mind it will provide. On the other, it could put a serious dent in your budget.

That said, it’s time to take a fresh look at some reasons you might want to install a system and pay the monthly monitoring fees. There’s also a reason why your system might end up costing you less than you might think.

Consider the following:

You can’t ignore the statistics

According to the FBI, a break-in occurs every 15 seconds in the U.S. The average loss from those incidents was $ 2,185. Those numbers could catch up with you sooner or later. A home security system will make it harder for criminals because the proper authorities will be notified at the first sign of an incident at your home. In the case of a home invasion, it is vital that you get help in a hurry.
But there’s another factor, too. Just having a security system sign in your yard and decals on your window, in many cases, will send criminals looking for the next house. They much prefer easy prey to a home with a security system.

What if criminals strike anyway?

There are two ways a security system can pay off in case burglars accept the challenge and break into your home. If your system has video surveillance, you’ll collect evidence that can be used by law enforcement agents to identify – and prosecute – the people that ransack your home and take your stuff.

The other way having a home security system can help is that some security providers have offers in which they will pay at least part of your deductible for your home insurance claim if your house is burglarized while the system is armed.

Systems don’t just prevent break-ins

Security systems don’t just protect you from break-ins. Many also have options to include sensors that detect smoke, carbon monoxide and other problems. Early warning of a fire can greatly reduce the damage you could suffer from a blaze. The carbon monoxide sensors can detect a menace that can affect your health with little or no warning. Many systems also have medical alert capacity in case you or an older relative suffers a problem.

Forget the creepiness factor

OK, this might seem a little Big Brother-like at first. But some security systems also allow you to monitor the comings and goings of people in your household. You’ll know when your ‘tween gets home from school. You can also tell when your teenager really got home on Friday night. All creepiness aside, this is important information for a parent.

A system can save you money

You’re convinced now that you need a system, but there is still the matter of the expense. However, buying a home security system actually could save you money elsewhere in your budget. Home insurance providers typically offer discounts for policyholders with monitored security systems. Will it offset the total cost of the system? No. But it will cut the price down enough that it could make a system fit within your price range.

Peace of mind is hard to quantify. But be sure to consider the question of buying a home security system from a number of perspectives before ruling it out.

August 15, 2008

Flood Insurance

Flood insurance provides protection for destruction and financial devastation caused by floods. Although it may not seem like much even a few inches of water can cause serious damage; resulting in thousands of dollars in repair and restoration costs. Homeowners insurance does not cover floods.

Purchasing a flood insurance policy through Marshall Insurance can protect you.
Although it may not seem as necessary as homeowners insurance, flood insurance is important if you want to keep your home safe and your possessions secure. Flood coverage offers protection against losses that result from heavy and lengthy rain falls, storm surges, blocked storm drainage systems, snow melts, etc.

Different types of policies are available based on your property’s location and flood history:
  • Standard Flood Insurance Policies

    If you live in a community that participates in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), your building and its contents can be covered by a standard flood insurance policy. The NFIP was established by the Federal Government to help communities who “voluntarily participate in the NFIP by adopting and enforcing floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage.” To be considered a flood, the waters must cover at least two acres or affect at least two properties. You must apply for building coverage and contents coverage separately if you choose to invest in a standard flood insurance policy.
  • Preferred Risk Flood Insurance Policies

    If your home or business is in a low or moderate risk zone, your building may qualify for a low-cost preferred risk policy. While you aren't required to purchase flood insurance in low-to-moderate risk areas, a preferred risk policy will protect your home and its contents if you are affected by a small flood or a larger flood that has extended into your low-risk area. In truth, many flood insurance claims occur in low-to-moderate risk areas.
Don't wait until it's too late. Contacting Marshall Insurance today will get you on the path to flood protection with an affordable and comprehensive insurance policy.

June 11, 2008

NC Identity Theft Insurance

Having someone steal your identity and use your personal or financial information is a terrible experience. With over 10 million victims each year, NC Identity Theft is the country’s fastest growing crime.

Here at Utica we’re proud to offer Identity Recovery Coverage – designed to provide you with a practical solution to a very real problem. The real cost of Identity Theft The cost of recovering a stolen identity can reach into the thousands of dollars. However, the time and emotional toll identity theft and recovery take on you can be the greatest loss.

It’s frustrating, confusing, and, at times, frightening. Included in your Personal Edge Homeowners’ policy, our Identity Recovery coverage addresses these issues. And in this day and age, it’s a coverage you just don’t want to be without. With Utica National, you can purchase auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, boat insurance, homeowners insurance, commercial insurance, and more.

So, when getting a quote, remember your other insurance needs, too. With our insurance rates, your savings can add up! Contact your local independent agent today to learn more about the advantages of insuring with Utica National.

May 7, 2008

North Carolina Workers Compensation

At Marshall Insurance, we pride ourselves on being experts within the NC insurance industry. Our extensive insurance knowledge and ability to form mutually beneficial relationships with our clients has enable us to recognize unique sets of risk – and furthermore develop advances insurance strategies in which we can battle them.  One issue in particular that demands expert attention – North Carolina workers compensation.

At Marshall Insurance, we understand that your business is your greatest investment, which is exactly why we are dedicated to helping you distinguish what you need to safeguard your team your business venture right now.

In its simplest form, the North Carolina workers compensation system strives to be the most effective process available to get an injured workers back to the workforce as soon as possible. It provides the employee with peace of mind; reassuring them that if an on-site accident did occur, they would receive appropriate medical attention – without the heightened cost.

As a business owner, you are required to have coverage for workers compensation in North Carolina, in order to comply with state and federal regulations; but that doesn’t mean that just any policy from just any agency will do.  You need expert coverage strategies and advice tailored by the leading NC insurance specialists found here at Marshall Insurance.

The right North Carolina workers compensation package will help protect your employees in the event of injury or illness during the course of employment. Our extensive solutions can provide coverage for:
  • Medical expenses
  • Lost income/wages
  • Rehabilitation costs
  • Death benefits
  • And more…
Here at Marshall Insurance, we can provide you with a North Carolina workers compensation policy that is specifically designed to meet your distinct business needs. Through a careful evaluation and review of your operation, we can determine exactly what your unique business venture needs to adequately protect your employees.

Contact us at 704-684-0082 or e-mail us to learn more about our North Carolina workers compensation policies and how you can better protect your business and your team!  If you would like a workers compensation quote, please complete this form.

April 24, 2008

Insurance Guide for Older Homes

Owning an older home can be a dream for many people. These homes were built in prime locations, contain larger rooms than many newer homes, and have loads of charm. But people who own homes 50 or 100 years old or more may find themselves running up against some nightmares with insurance that they didn’t bargain for when they fell in love with the house.

The majority of mortgage lenders require home owners to have home insurance as a condition of their mortgage, but older homes have many problems that make them a bigger risk to insure. Many times, elements of the house may be so worn out that insurance companies will refuse to insure the house without some repairs or replacements.
“Depending on the age of a home, most insurance company require the parts of the home to be updated,” says Brian Boak, an underwriter who has worked in personal insurance for 25 years and works for Singer Nelson Charlmers. “Depending on the company, if these are not updated, they may not insure the location due to the additional risk.”

Even if insurance companies don’t outright refuse to cover your home, insurance premiums for older homes can shoot through that outdated roof. With an older home comes an increased chance for damages caused by parts not functioning properly, and insurance companies don’t take on these risks without charging you more.

Replacement costs for homes that are considered antique or historic are also higher since specialized materials and labor are required to restore the home to historical accuracy.
A home inspection can help reveal the age of components of your home, whether you’ve just put in an offer or have lived in your home for years. Many insurers will perform their own inspections to determine if the home is insurable, particularly if the house has a high replacement cost.

“Some companies rely on their agent to provide the replacement cost; some companies hire an outside inspection service to do either an exterior inspection or a full interior inspection. Some companies do the inspections themselves,” Boak says. “The higher the replacement cost the more likely (and desired) that you will get a comprehensive inspection inside and out.”

Biggest problems for insuring older homes

Older homes across the country face many of the same problems that scare insurers away. Inspectors will be looking for these issues and fixing them will likely bring your premium down significantly.
  • The roof: Roofs typically have a life expectancy of about 25 years, according to Boak, so if you have a roof older than that, your chance of a leak is greater. And with water damage being so serious, old roofs can be a sign to insurers that your premium should be raised.
  • The electrical system: Most older homes were originally outfitted with small circuit breaker boxes. This combined with old fuses and old wiring can become a problem when faced with the demands of today’s home, Boak says. Air conditioning, electric heat, microwaves, and electric ovens and stoves weren’t used when the home was built, so the extra workload on the electrical system can increase the chance of a fire.
  • The plumbing system: Besides plumbing problems being unpleasant to live with, they can also cause leaks and water damage. The invasive nature of repairing water damage makes old plumbing systems costly to insure.

Finding the right policy

If you care about preserving the original features of your home, you’ll want to make sure your policy will pay for the materials that are no longer standard.

Lath and plaster: Older homes often had walls of lath and plaster instead of sheetrock. “Depending on your insurance company they may not pay to replace your lath and plaster walls as they may say that sheetrock is equivalent (and less expensive for them),” Boak says. “Lath and plaster is much more expensive and if you want to keep your old home accurate, you want lath and plaster. Ask your broker what your company will do.”

Lumber measurements: Another consideration to make is your home’s lumber. Today, two-by-fours are actually only 1.5 by 3.5. If you have an old home with “full dimensional” lumber, Boak says, many insurance companies may want to replace it with the cheaper “equivalent,” but you’ll want the original dimensions if you’re trying to preserve the home’s accuracy.

Other added costs to consider are custom molding, solid core doors, and trim that must be custom-made. Anyone with a historic home should make sure they find a company who will insure them for the full replacement value for original features. “You want to make sure you have a true guaranteed replacement cost,” Boak says. “Many companies have replacement cost but it is capped at 20% or 25% above the insured value. You want a company that will rebuild the home exactly how it was with all the quality you had, regardless of the cost.”
Watch out for any cash value policies. These will only pay for what’s damaged including depreciation, so you could be covered for much, much less than you need or even realized with one of these policies.

Buying an old home

So what do you do if you’re house hunting and have fallen in love with an old house? Don’t rush into anything!

Call us before closing on your mortgage. By giving yourself and us time to shop around for home insurance before closing, we can work together to see what you can reasonably expect to pay in premiums, find the best prices, and maybe even stumble on some discounts. You may find that the replacement cost is going to be significantly higher than what you’re paying for the house and that the house isn’t affordable for you because of insurance costs.

Getting quotes from insurance companies will probably also help you find the problems with the house. If you find a few small problems during an inspection, you can budget for it. And if you discover that the whole electrical system and plumbing system need to be replaced, you can walk away.

If you do decide to go ahead with buying a house that needs repairs to make it insurable or bring down your premiums, consider asking the current owner to make the fixes. “If items are old and you are buying the home, you would either want to have the current owner discount the price of the home or update the items for these improvements you will need to make ,” Boak says. “Or expect to add that cost into your budget.”

Tips for home owners

If you already own an old house, you may worry about your insurer raising your premiums significantly or even dropping your coverage altogether. Many insurance companies change the status of your coverage if you file a big claim or several claims in a row. So if your roof gives out and you file a claim, you could be hurting your chances of continuing to be insured.

To avoid this problem, it’s best to try to stay ahead of all repairs and updates if you can. They can certainly be costly, so keep an eye out for warning signs of problems so you can choose what absolutely needs to be fixed first.

Roof: Roofs really aren’t made to last more than 20 or 25 years, but even younger roofs might need replacing. Check for several shingles lifting up, broken, or gone, and then go into your attic to see if you can see any pinholes of light or new water stains.
Electrical system: Look out for flickering lights when you turn on an appliance, switches and plates that are hot to the touch, two-prong outlets, burning plastic smell at switches and outlets, and improper fuses.
Plumbing system: Check out any exposed pipe in your house and look for discoloration, dimpling, stains, and flaking, which could mean your pipes are corroding. It’s a good idea to also look at the color of your water, especially after it’s been sitting in the pipes for a while — try filling your bathtub after a vacation. If it’s brown or yellow, there is probably rust in your pipes.

Old homes can be beautiful investments if you’re prepared to take care of them and keep them up to modern safety standards. If you don’t have the time and money to dedicate to updating your systems, you could find yourself buried under insurance premiums that may cost as much as the repairs in the long run.

Contact Us Today!
Phone: 704-684-0082

March 9, 2008

NC Rental Insurance

As your trusted North Carolina insurance agent, we value the simple fact that we can protect you far beyond simple home, auto and business insurance — we are proud to get you the custom coverage you need for all aspects of your life.

Our ability to build tailored policies and offer the highest quality insurance advice is especially helpful for those who own rental properties. You may think that your generic home insurance policy covers all of your worries, but guess again. Having the appropriate insurance coverage is absolutely essential.

Whether you are renting out a long term property like a home or condo, or are simply allowing others enjoy a much needed getaway in your luxury vacation rental, you need to consider all of the risk exposures you face — and you certainly cannot rely on the coverage the your homeowners insurance may or may not provide.  Our specialized rental property insurance can help assume the risk for damages to your premises as well as cover you against any unexpected injuries or accidents that occur involving others while on your property.

These realistic risk exposures are exactly why we at Marshall Insurance want to be your insurance ally, and help you determine the best coverage options for your unique needs. We can help protect you against a variety of issues and our specialized insurance knowledge allows us to insure all levels of rental property including:
  • Properties that are vacant or up for sale
  • Properties that are under construction
  • Luxury high risk and high value vacation rentals
Furthermore, we offer effective dwelling fire insurance that is specifically designed to protect rental property owners, such as yourself, from losing rental income as the result of a fire. In most cases, this coverage will provide you with a year’s worth of rental income, allowing you the time and resources to rebuild and rent.

With so many options and alternatives to choose from, selecting the best rental insurance package may seem tricky — but with Marshall Insurance on your side, we guarantee to secure you the most effective coverage that not only meets your needs but exceeds your expectations, so give us a call today!

February 6, 2008

Changes to NC Auto Safety Inspection

NCDMV has announced changes to the safety inspection process to go into effect 1/1/09
  1. The safety inspection sticker will go away in 2009. Instead you will be required to have your vehicle inspected prior to your registration renewal. If the vehicle is not inspected prior to the renewal date the system will not allow you to renew your tag.
  2. If any repairs are required in order to pass the safety inspection you will have 60 days instead of the previous 30 days to complete repairs and pass the inspection.
For more information go to the NC DMV website;