Google+ Marshall Insurance Services ~ NC Insurance Blog: June 2008

June 11, 2008

NC Identity Theft Insurance

Having someone steal your identity and use your personal or financial information is a terrible experience. With over 10 million victims each year, NC Identity Theft is the country’s fastest growing crime.

Here at Utica we’re proud to offer Identity Recovery Coverage – designed to provide you with a practical solution to a very real problem. The real cost of Identity Theft The cost of recovering a stolen identity can reach into the thousands of dollars. However, the time and emotional toll identity theft and recovery take on you can be the greatest loss.

It’s frustrating, confusing, and, at times, frightening. Included in your Personal Edge Homeowners’ policy, our Identity Recovery coverage addresses these issues. And in this day and age, it’s a coverage you just don’t want to be without. With Utica National, you can purchase auto insurance, motorcycle insurance, boat insurance, homeowners insurance, commercial insurance, and more.

So, when getting a quote, remember your other insurance needs, too. With our insurance rates, your savings can add up! Contact your local independent agent today to learn more about the advantages of insuring with Utica National.