Google+ Marshall Insurance Services ~ NC Insurance Blog: October 2008

October 8, 2008

5 Reasons You Should Get a Home Security System

You’ve been thinking about a home security system for some time, but you haven’t decided whether to make the commitment. On the one hand, you’d love the peace of mind it will provide. On the other, it could put a serious dent in your budget.

That said, it’s time to take a fresh look at some reasons you might want to install a system and pay the monthly monitoring fees. There’s also a reason why your system might end up costing you less than you might think.

Consider the following:

You can’t ignore the statistics

According to the FBI, a break-in occurs every 15 seconds in the U.S. The average loss from those incidents was $ 2,185. Those numbers could catch up with you sooner or later. A home security system will make it harder for criminals because the proper authorities will be notified at the first sign of an incident at your home. In the case of a home invasion, it is vital that you get help in a hurry.
But there’s another factor, too. Just having a security system sign in your yard and decals on your window, in many cases, will send criminals looking for the next house. They much prefer easy prey to a home with a security system.

What if criminals strike anyway?

There are two ways a security system can pay off in case burglars accept the challenge and break into your home. If your system has video surveillance, you’ll collect evidence that can be used by law enforcement agents to identify – and prosecute – the people that ransack your home and take your stuff.

The other way having a home security system can help is that some security providers have offers in which they will pay at least part of your deductible for your home insurance claim if your house is burglarized while the system is armed.

Systems don’t just prevent break-ins

Security systems don’t just protect you from break-ins. Many also have options to include sensors that detect smoke, carbon monoxide and other problems. Early warning of a fire can greatly reduce the damage you could suffer from a blaze. The carbon monoxide sensors can detect a menace that can affect your health with little or no warning. Many systems also have medical alert capacity in case you or an older relative suffers a problem.

Forget the creepiness factor

OK, this might seem a little Big Brother-like at first. But some security systems also allow you to monitor the comings and goings of people in your household. You’ll know when your ‘tween gets home from school. You can also tell when your teenager really got home on Friday night. All creepiness aside, this is important information for a parent.

A system can save you money

You’re convinced now that you need a system, but there is still the matter of the expense. However, buying a home security system actually could save you money elsewhere in your budget. Home insurance providers typically offer discounts for policyholders with monitored security systems. Will it offset the total cost of the system? No. But it will cut the price down enough that it could make a system fit within your price range.

Peace of mind is hard to quantify. But be sure to consider the question of buying a home security system from a number of perspectives before ruling it out.