Google+ Marshall Insurance Services ~ NC Insurance Blog: July 2010

July 1, 2010

What is Final Expense Insurance?

With a final expense insurance policy from one of our life insurance carriers, you can have peace of mind knowing your loved ones will have the money they need to help cover your burial and other final expenses. Don't leave them with bills to pay - leave them with cash benefits that cover your final expenses.

Benefits: We have products to help cover final expenses which take into account your age and health. As long as premiums are paid on time, policies guarantee cash benefits between $2,000 and $50,000. Plus, there's no medical exam.


Q: When is the best time to buy final expense insurance?
A: The sooner the better. Accidents and illness strike suddenly and without warning. Protect your loved ones from paying for your final expenses - we encourage you to get coverage today.

Q: Can I get final expense insurance if I already have life insurance?
A: Absolutely. This can be in addition to any other coverage you may already have.

Q: Will I need to take a medical exam before I can begin my coverage?
A: No, you will not.

Q: How much money will I need to cover a funeral?
A: The average cost of a funeral in 2009 was approximately $8,000*, but the cost is even higher in some areas of the country. This $8,000 may not include the cost for a burial plot or marker, And remember - the Social Security death benefit is only $255**

Q: Will my final expense insurance policy be cancelled if my health declines?
A: As long as you pay your premiums on time, your coverage will stay in force, even if there are drastic changes to your health.

Q: I like what I'm hearing about final expense insurance. What should I do next?
A: For immediate service, simply call us at 704-684-0082. You can also complete a "Quote Request" on our website.