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November 8, 2011

North Carolina Flood Insurance

North Carolina Flood Insurance provides protection for destruction and financial devastation caused by floods in the greater Charlotte, Matthews, Monroe, Huntersville, and Mooresville, NC area. Although it may not seem like much even a few inches of water can cause serious damage; resulting in thousands of dollars in repair and restoration costs.

Did you know that North Carolina home insurance does not cover floods?  Purchasing a NC flood insurance policy through Marshall Insurance can protect you. Although it may not seem as necessary as homeowners insurance, flood insurance is important if you want to keep your home safe and your possessions secure.

Flood coverage offers protection against losses that result from heavy and lengthy rain falls, storm surges, blocked storm drainage systems, snow melts, etc.

Different types of policies are available based on your property’s location and flood history:

• Standard NC Flood Insurance Policies- If you live in a community that participates in the NFIP, your building and its contents can be covered by a standard flood insurance policy. The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) was established by the Federal Government to help communities who “voluntarily participate in the NFIP by adopting and enforcing floodplain management ordinances to reduce future flood damage.” To be considered a flood, the waters must cover at least two acres or affect at least two properties. You must apply for building coverage and contents coverage separately if you choose to invest in a standard flood insurance policy.

• Preferred Risk Flood Insurance Policies- If your home or business is in a low or moderate risk zone, your building may qualify for a low-cost preferred risk policy. While you aren't required to purchase flood insurance in low-to-moderate risk areas, a preferred risk policy will protect your home and its contents if you are affected by a small flood or a larger flood that has extended into your low-risk area. In truth, many flood insurance claims occur in low-to-moderate risk areas.

Don't wait until it's too late. Contacting Marshall Insurance today will get you on the path to flood protection with an affordable and comprehensive NC flood insurance policy.

Link:  NC Floodplain Mapping Program

October 3, 2011

Landscapers Insurance Coverage

Landscapers are exposed to various types of risk every day they're in business. Landscaping accidents can cause injuries or property damage that could lead to lawsuits and financial loss. Adequate landscaping insurance can protect your business from these types of situations.

Landscaping insurance, now offered through Marshall Insurance' carriers could include a Business Owners Policy (BOP) with General Liability insurance, Workers' Compensation insurance and commercial vehicle insurance.

General Liability Insurance

General liability insurance, or GL, is a fundamental part of landscaping insurance. It could provide protection against lawsuits and other financial liabilities that result from things like accidents or other mishaps.  GL is often bundled with a variety of other coverages in a Business Owners Policy, or BOP.

Workers' Compensation Insurance

Workers' Compensation insurance through Marshall Insurance could help cover the medical costs and a portion of lost wages for an employee who becomes ill or injured during work. Discover if you're eligible to include Workers' Compensation coverage to your landscaping insurance package.

Landscaping Insurance for Vehicles

Landscaping vehicle insurance provides continuous coverage throughout the year, saving you money on premium and allowing you to avoid costly breaks in coverage.

We provide all types of contractor vehicle insurance including:
  • Pickup Truck Insurance
  • Truck Insurance
  • Business Auto Insurance
  • Van Insurance
  • Dump Truck Insurance
  • Trailer Insurance

In addition to outstanding commercial vehicle claims services, our companies  also provide flexible payment options and fast online bill payment capabilities.

See What You Could Save!!

Get a commercial vehicle quote online or call us at 704-684-0082 and learn more about landscaping insurance with a BOP, Workers' Compensation, and commercial auto insurance today.

Who Needs Landscaping Insurance?

A wide variety of businesses could benefit from landscaping insurance. Examples include:
  • Landscapers
  • Tree trimmers
  • Arborists
  • Landscape architects
  • Landscape designers
  • Lawn irrigation contractors

September 12, 2011

Protect Your Home While You're Away

The National Realtors Association reports that there are more than six million second or vacation homes in the United States. Many people who seek escape from the cold, dark, icy days of winter head to second homes in warmer climates during the winter months.

Others leave their homes to enjoy summer vacations at the beach, or winter ski and snowboarding adventures in the mountains. No matter what your destination, here are a few things you should do to protect your primary residence while you're away.

Give It That Lived-in Look

When you're going away for an extended period of time, you should try to make your home look like it is still occupied. If there is the appearance of activity at your home, there is less chance that the house will be burglarized. Here are a few ways to make it seem like you're home:
  • Set lights and a radio or television on timers so they'll go on and off at different times of the day.
  • Use call forwarding to have your calls sent to your vacation home's phone line or cell phone. You can also turn off or lower the ringer volume on your phone so that it can't be heard from outside. If you are going to leave a greeting on your answering machine, be sure you don't leave any information about being away from home. Rather, leave a generic message like "we can't come to the phone right now, please leave a message."
  • Arrange for landscaping services while you're away. Have someone mow the lawn, rake the leaves and shovel the snow.
  • If you're leaving a car at your house and you don't have a garage, have someone move your car periodically or ask a neighbor to park their car in your driveway or in front of your house every so often.
  • Have your mail held at the post office and suspend delivery of your newspaper. Or ask a neighbor to pick up your mail and newspaper daily.

Have an Expected Visitor

When you're going to be away, it's a good idea to ask someone to check on your home on a regular basis. Ask a friend or family member to stop by about once a week so that if there is a problem it can be taken care of quickly. They should check that doors and windows are secure and open and close curtains and shades every now and then to help make your house looked occupied. Be sure to give your "home checker" a spare key-don't hide a key anywhere near or around your house because thieves know where to look. Also, if you have a home security system, be sure that your expected visitor knows how to set and disarm the alarm.

Avoid Frozen Pipes in Winter

Frozen pipes are not only frustrating to deal with but they can also cause a great deal of damage to your home. So, before you leave this winter, be sure that your heating system is checked for proper operation and make any necessary arrangements for continued fuel delivery. Also make sure that any pipes in crawl spaces and attic spaces are well insulated and set your thermostats to at least 55 degrees so that your home is kept warm enough to prevent pipes from freezing. Finally, leave kitchen cabinet doors and bathroom vanity doors open so that heat can circulate to pipes under the sinks.

August 1, 2011

Insurance and Your Dog

Dog bites are no fun, especially if it was your dog that did the biting. You can be faced with a lawsuit and will need to defend your dog even if the bite was due to someone provoking your dog. Do you have insurance coverage for it? In a lot of cases, your homeowners insurance should cover damages like that. But there are some cases when it might not.

There are some breeds of dogs that are considered more aggressive and dangerous than other breeds in the insurance world. If you own a dog, it is important that you know if he will be covered or not if he bites someone. It is hard to defend a dog that falls into the aggressive category, so a lot of insurance companies have decided to consider them a higher risk. You may need to have increased limits of liability on your homeowners policy if you own a dog that is on the list.

The list is quite extensive and contains about 75 different breeds including Rottweilers, Akitas, Alaskan Malamutes and American Bulldogs.  Talk with us to see if your carrier follows the list when determining what type of insurance we can offer you. Your current homeowners insurance may not be enough to protect you if your dog decides to bite someone – even if it was in defense of you, himself, or the household.

If you never mentioned your dog to us before, you will want to do it now. You don’t want to find out later that you will not be covered under your policy if something goes wrong. If your current policy isn’t enough, find out how to get more. Protect your dog and your finances by having the right insurance policy.   

June 18, 2011

The 5 Most Common NC Homeowners Insurance Claims

Ever heard of Murphy’s Law? I’m not quite sure who exactly “Murphy” was, but if there’s one true statement that can almost always sum up insurance, it’s his law of “If it can happen, it will happen.”

Perhaps that’s a bit pessimistic, and I’m certainly not an insurance agent with a crystal ball, knowing when disaster will strike policyholders. Perhaps more appropriately, it can’t be said by anyone that you’ll ever face certain kinds of claims, or if you’re lucky, you’ll never face any at all. If that’s the case, that’s fantastic.

But you still shouldn’t dismiss Murphy’s Law. After all, if you believe in the law of attraction (aka ‘The Secret’) then you could end up knee deep in damages and claims. Similarly, you shouldn’t dismiss it and become a pessimist or paranoid. Instead, you should keep it mind to anchor reality and possibility — two things insurance hinges upon. When you’re buying insurance, you should look at your options and ask yourself if your coverage would please Murphy (whomever he may be) by adopting his motto.

That’s true for any insurance, but can be crucial to homeowners insurance. When you’re buying a house, it’s imperative that it’s insured properly to cover any kind of accident or damage involving your property. Many states require that homeowners have a certain level of insurance, and this is meant to act as a safety net. While it’s important to obey the law and get the required insurance, you should always look at getting additional coverage to cover any high-cost claims that you might incur. However, you may run into some of the following situations that any homeowner usually ends up dealing with at one time or another — and sometimes so do renters.

1. Water Damage

Water damage is one of the most common claims, and you don’t have to live on the riverbank or next to the ocean to have a serious claim. Depending on the age of your home, there is always potential for a pipe to burst. We’ve all heard horror stories of someone coming home to find the basement under a foot of water due to a busted pipe. Add that to your water bill and your tears will only make the damage worse. Make sure you find a policy that will cover water damage despite the source of the water.

2. Wind & Hail

As you can imagine, severe weather can take its toll on a house, especially if you are in a severe weather prone state such as Texas or Florida. Many of the coastal states will experience high winds during hurricanes, which can also bring hail, and other states further inland have to endure tornadoes, strong winter blizzards, and even uncommon occurrences such as the derecho that hit several states this past summer. Exterior damage can be costly depending on the amount and severity so make sure you have legitimate coverage based on your state’s weather history.

3. Accidents

It happens whether you are ready for it or not. You never expect any visitor on your property to get seriously hurt, but if they do, you must make sure you are adequately covering all of your bases. Because there is a high possibility that someone could sue you after getting injured on your property, you want to make sure that you have the appropriate liability coverage and also a good lawyer. This won’t always be the case because it may be your brother that is injured and he would never dream of suing you, but if you have the right kind of insurance, it will provide the monetary support and protection you need for surprises of this kind.

4. Dog Attacks

If you have a dog, be sure that it is properly restrained at all times. Even if you believe your dog would not hurt a fly, the wrong person could walk by, causing your dog to feel threatened. If they are bitten, they have every right to sue you and you could find yourself wading in thousands of dollars owed. With claims of this nature, despite the intentions of the bitten, the dog owner assumes primary responsibility and you could end up having to pay out a good chunk of money. Make sure you have at least $300K of coverage in liability coverage to protect you — and keep Fido on a leash.

5. Fire

Losing everything in a fire is devastating to begin with, but the claims process that takes place afterwards can be just as much of a headache. When you’re trying to make a fire claim, you must be able to prove the worth of what was lost and sometimes the insurance company may not agree on the value of your property. Then, an investigation can ensue placing a price tag on the things that made up your life. Talk about adding insult to injury! However, this is a necessary process to make sure you get the fair amount to start rebuilding. Be sure to keep a running tally of your possessions as well as their value, and if this unfortunate accident happens to you, at least the insurance process won’t burn you.

The whole point of insurance is to provide coverage for the unexpected, but if you don’t have the right kind of limits, you can find yourself paying more out of pocket than you expected. When you’re searching for a homeowner’s policy, always look for the best rates, but don’t forget to weigh the heft of the policy with the price. Even if you get a good deal for your coverage, make sure it’s worth its weight in gold, or you could be looking at an unwelcome surprise after a loss.

May 17, 2011

You May Not Need Additional Insurance When Renting a Car

The next time you are at the car rental counter, take a moment before you agree to purchase additional car insurance. Chances are the insurance that covers your personal car will be enough to cover the rental car as well. If you don’t know what your policy covers, it is easy to find out. If you want to rent a car and you are unsure about the amount of coverage you have with your personal insurance provider, the first thing to do is to call your car insurance company and find out if your policy covers rental cars. Many comprehensive car insurance policies provide this, meaning whatever coverage you have on your personal car will also apply to a rented car.

If you are renting a car because yours has been damaged or totaled in an accident, when you call your insurance provider, ask if your coverage will be enough for towing charges, payment of administrative fees and loss of use. Many people forget to inquire about the loss of use, which can mean hefty fees tacked on by a rental company for lost revenue while the car is repaired after an accident.

If your car insurance provides adequate coverage for a rental car, then there is no need for you to purchase the insurance coverage offered by the car rental company. It is also important to find out the circumstances under which your policy provides you a rental car at no additional charge- some policies only cover rental cars if the accident leading up to the car rental was not your fault.

Another step you can take is to contact the lending agency responsible for the credit card you plan to use when renting your car. Because credit card companies typically offer free car insurance benefits for rental cars, you may also have additional coverage at no extra cost. Some credit cards allow you to earn benefits in the form of rental car insurance. You should also check with your card provider before renting because terms and conditions can change without notice. You will need to know specifically what type of coverage it is and the coverage amounts. In many cases, you may find that your credit card may not cover property damages or limit the amount of medical bills that are covered.

Knowing your options and your current car insurance coverage before renting can keep you from purchasing additional, possibly unnecessary, and potentially pricey car insurance from the car rental company.

April 6, 2011

Having a Safe Workplace is Smart Business

Business owners have the absolute responsibility for the day-to-day health, safety and welfare of employees and worksite visitors. To make your work place safer, know the three common areas of risk: people, environment and company.

People First!

Keeping your employees safe and healthy is good for your business. To do that:
  • Offer prevention and wellness activities
  • Have options in place so injured employees can receive immediate treatment
  • Consistently search for and eliminate workplace hazards
  • Offer early intervention and rehabilitation programs for drug and alcohol abuse and mental health problems
  • Make free flu shots available

A Safe Environment

Heavy equipment, electrical hazards, even keyboards can pose health threats to your employees. For a safer workplace environment:
  • Conduct routine maintenance and housekeeping measures
  • Frequently check for proper ergonomic conditions
  • Check all equipment for unsafe wear and tear
  • Educate workers on identifying hazards and risks
  • Make sure employees wear necessary protective equipment
  • Create and rehearse a worksite disaster plan
  • Control and eliminate toxic chemical use where you can
  • Make your workplace smoke-free

From the Top

Safety starts with a company’s leadership. To establish and communicate your vision, mission, policies and trust:
  • Keep confidential medical information protected
  • Offer educational programs to improve health and safety
  • Thoroughly analyze accidents for prevention
  • Have a zero-tolerance policy for workplace violence
  • Offer access to cost effective health care benefit programs
  • Begin an employee assistance program
If you have any employees, most states require you to have an active workers compensation policy to insure coverage for those employees against a workplace injury. In most cases, the owners of a sole-proprietorship or a partner in a partnership are not considered employees and have the option whether to cover themselves or not.  For more information about workplace safety and disaster preparedness, visit these sites:
For more information about insurance for business owners, contact us at 704-684-0082, e-mail us or fill out our contact form.

March 9, 2011

Understanding Life Insurance

Get a Quote
Life insurance products are not all the same. While some provide coverage for your lifetime, others provide coverage for a specific number of years.   Determining the right product depends on a number of factors.

ERIE’s life insurance calculator can help determine the amount of life insurance you may need. To learn more about the different types of life insurance, talk to us. They can help you decide what products and options best meet your needs.  There are two basic type of life insurance: term life and cash value life.*

Term life insurance

Term insurance provides coverage for a term of one or more years. The 20-year plan is the most popular version. Term insurance pays a death benefit if death occurs during the policy term. However, it does not include a cash value that can be used in the future.

Some term insurance policies are renewable for one or more terms, even if your health changes, though the premium usually increases with each renewal. Inquire about renewal premiums before you buy. Also ask if there is an age when you can no longer renew the policy.

Most term policies also include an option to convert to a cash value policy without having to provide evidence of insurability. Make sure you understand how the convertibility option works. The annual premium for term life insurance is usually less during the early years than the premium for a cash value insurance product. Be sure to compare the long term cost of each product before you buy.
Erie Family Life’s term life insurance policy provides coverage to age 95. The face amount of the policy remains level until then and the policy owner can choose from a 10, 15, 20 or 30-year guaranteed level premium period. After the level premium period, the premium increases on an annual basis.

Cash value life insurance

Cash value life insurance is designed to last an entire lifetime. Most products provide coverage until age 100 or later. The premium for this type of insurance is higher than term insurance during the early years of the contract when compared to term life insurance. The premium that is not used to cover expense or the cost of insurance is invested by the insurance company. That investment builds a cash value that increases with time. That cash value can be borrowed to:
  • Fund a business or investment opportunity.
  • Pay education expenses, such as college.
  • Enhance your retirement income.
  • Pay emergency medical expenses.
There are several types of cash value life insurance, including whole life, universal life and variable life.
  • Whole life insurance provides coverage for as long as you live. The annual premium is usually payable for a period of time such as 20 years or to age 65. Some are payable forever. The premium amount never changes unless there is a change in benefits. The cash value is guaranteed as shown in the policy.
  • Universal life insurance is a flexible premium adjustable life insurance product that allows you to vary the premium payment within certain limits as defined by the insurer and the tax code. The death benefit can be increased or decreased as defined in the policy without having to buy a new contract. The cash value earns interest at a rate determined by the insurer and that rate is subject to fluctuation based on market conditions. Like whole life, the cash value can be borrowed. Additionally, the cash value can simply be withdrawn, thereby avoiding interest expense charges, subject to policy limits.
  • Variable life insurance can be structured as whole life insurance or as universal life insurance. The distinguishing feature of variable life is that the cash value is dependent on the investment performance of one or more separate accounts. In other words, the policy owner is subject to financial risk and the loss of their cash value. Be sure to read and study the prospectus before buying this type of policy. Erie Family Life does not offer variable life insurance products.
For information on your life insurance policy or the features and benefits of other products that we offer, contact us or fill out out our quote form.

February 8, 2011

The Advantages Of An Independent Insurance Agent

When choosing an insurance plan, there are so many important decisions to make, and you seldom feel as if you're informed well enough to make them. Many insurance customers end up buying insurance based on price, hoping the money they're paying will provide them with all the coverage they need, or that they're saving themselves money in the long run with the cheapest plan.

The process of protecting your family can quickly become complicated, frustrating, and worrisome. But an independent agent can lift those loads in several ways. You may actually know your independent agent. He could be the father of your son's classmate. She could be the girl's little league coach.

Independent agents usually live right within your community, support it, and are available for help without the long telephone or online hold times. An independent agent stays in business by keeping customers happy. You'll soon be used to receiving follow-up calls and even visits to be sure you're satisfied with your coverage or the resolution of a claim. Unlike larger, national companies, when you benefit from your insurance coverage, your agent benefits.

You'll have more choices than you knew were available. Because independent agents are not bound to any particular insurance provider, you'll have the luxury of choosing from several different companies. And because your agent is working for your benefit, the confusion so many choices can cause is eliminated. Your agent has done all the research, and is willing to educate you about every viable option. There's no need to change agencies to suit your circumstances.

The lack of ties to a single provider keeps your agency flexible enough to offer you coverage choices that make sense each time your life changes. There’s an advantage of staying with the same independent agent for the long haul. You can actually build real relationships with agents local to your community who know you by name. Insurance can be complicated to navigate, and the lack of trust most people have for the industry is not made better by the impersonal service many large insurance companies provide.

Independent insurance agents can reduce guesswork, save you money, and create community-building relationships national companies simply can't. Call us and ask about how you can put an agent to work for you.

January 16, 2011

Rental Property Insurance

As your trusted NC insurance agent, we value the simple fact that we can protect you far beyond simple home, auto and business insurance — we are proud to get you the custom coverage you need for all aspects of your life.

Our ability to build tailored policies and offer the highest quality insurance advice is especially helpful for those who own rental properties. You may think that your generic home insurance policy covers all of your worries, but guess again. Having the appropriate insurance coverage is absolutely essential. Whether you are renting out a long term property like a home or condo, or are simply allowing others enjoy a much needed getaway in your luxury vacation rental, you need to consider all of the risk exposures you face — and you certainly cannot rely on the coverage the your homeowners insurance may or may not provide.

Our specialized rental property insurance can help assume the risk for damages to your premises as well as cover you against any unexpected injuries or accidents that occur involving others while on your property. These realistic risk exposures are exactly why we at Marshall Insurance Services want to be your insurance ally, and help you determine the best coverage options for your unique needs.

We can help protect you against a variety of issues and our specialized insurance knowledge allows us to insure all levels of rental property including:

•Properties that are vacant or up for sale
•Properties that are under construction
•Luxury high risk and high value vacation rentals

Furthermore, we offer effective dwelling fire insurance that is specifically designed to protect rental property owners, such as yourself, from losing rental income as the result of a fire. In most cases, this coverage will provide you with a year’s worth of rental income, allowing you the time and resources to rebuild and rent.

With so many options and alternatives to choose from, selecting the best rental insurance package may seem tricky — but with Marshall Insurance Services on your side, we guarantee to secure you the most effective coverage that not only meets your needs but exceeds your expectations, so give us a call today!