Google+ Marshall Insurance Services ~ NC Insurance Blog: April 2011

April 6, 2011

Having a Safe Workplace is Smart Business

Business owners have the absolute responsibility for the day-to-day health, safety and welfare of employees and worksite visitors. To make your work place safer, know the three common areas of risk: people, environment and company.

People First!

Keeping your employees safe and healthy is good for your business. To do that:
  • Offer prevention and wellness activities
  • Have options in place so injured employees can receive immediate treatment
  • Consistently search for and eliminate workplace hazards
  • Offer early intervention and rehabilitation programs for drug and alcohol abuse and mental health problems
  • Make free flu shots available

A Safe Environment

Heavy equipment, electrical hazards, even keyboards can pose health threats to your employees. For a safer workplace environment:
  • Conduct routine maintenance and housekeeping measures
  • Frequently check for proper ergonomic conditions
  • Check all equipment for unsafe wear and tear
  • Educate workers on identifying hazards and risks
  • Make sure employees wear necessary protective equipment
  • Create and rehearse a worksite disaster plan
  • Control and eliminate toxic chemical use where you can
  • Make your workplace smoke-free

From the Top

Safety starts with a company’s leadership. To establish and communicate your vision, mission, policies and trust:
  • Keep confidential medical information protected
  • Offer educational programs to improve health and safety
  • Thoroughly analyze accidents for prevention
  • Have a zero-tolerance policy for workplace violence
  • Offer access to cost effective health care benefit programs
  • Begin an employee assistance program
If you have any employees, most states require you to have an active workers compensation policy to insure coverage for those employees against a workplace injury. In most cases, the owners of a sole-proprietorship or a partner in a partnership are not considered employees and have the option whether to cover themselves or not.  For more information about workplace safety and disaster preparedness, visit these sites:
For more information about insurance for business owners, contact us at 704-684-0082, e-mail us or fill out our contact form.