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May 14, 2013

North Carolina Home Insurance From Marshall Insurance

North Carolina Homeowners Insurance:

North Carolina's online resource for NC Home Insurance. Whether you want to find about the standard NC Homeowners Insurance Forms, the standard NC Homeowners Insurance Coverages, the optional NC Homeowners Insurance Endorsements, or simply obtain a NC Home Insurance Quote.. you've come to the right place!

North Carolina Homeowner's Insurance is one of the most important types of insurance policies available. More than likely, your home is the largest investment you will ever make in your life. Finding and obtaining the right NC Homeowners Insurance Coverage is important. The fact is, you have numerous choices when deciding exactly how to protect your home. If you don't own a home, you still need some of the same protections as those who do. For those of you who rent, what would happen if all of your personal belongings were lost in a fire? This section of Marshall Insurance will help both the homeowner and the renter decide which NC Homeowners Insurance will best protect their respective investments.  We will detail the common "Homeowner Forms" available in North Carolina as well as some of the additional endorsements available.

View the Homeowners Form Chart Here


North Carolina Home Insurance Coverage A - Dwelling
Coverage A provides coverage for the actual "structure" if it is damaged by certain events. Coverage A also provides coverage for certain fixtures within home such as the plumbing, electrical, and HVAC system. Most Insurance Contracts dictate that you insure the structure to a minimum of 80% of the "Replacement Cost" of the home.

North Carolina Home Insurance Coverage B - Other Structures
Coverage B provides coverage for other structures on the premises that are not attached to the primary dwelling. Coverage B is normally limited to 10 percent of the Coverage A limit. However, additional coverage can be purchased if needed.

North Carolina Home Insurance Coverage C - Personal Property
Coverage C provides coverage for your personal belongings or the belongings of of your family members who live with you. Coverage C is normally 50 percent of Coverage A (if coverage is also provided for the dwelling under the policy). There are limitation for certain types of "personal property" within the standard policy.

North Carolina Home Insurance Coverage D - Loss of Use
Coverage D provides coverage that will help with additional living expenses if your home is damaged by a covered cause of loss. Coverage D is normally 20 percent of Coverage A.

North Carolina Home Insurance Coverage E - Personal Liability
Coverage E provides coverage in the event you or a resident of your household are legally responsible for injury to others. This coverage will not protect you in the event of an intentional act.

North Carolina Home Insurance Coverage F - Medical Payments to Others
Coverage F pays for reasonable medical expenses for persons accidentally injured on your property.



Guaranteed Replacement Cost Coverage
Guaranteed Replacement Cost Coverage provides for the Replacement Cost Settlement of your home in the event of loss. If your policy has been endorsed with this coverage, the insurance company will pay the difference between what your house is insured for and the actual amount it costs to rebuild the home (subject to certain limitations).

Personal Property Replacement Cost
Personal Property Replacement Cost Coverage extends the replacement cost settlement to Coverage C of your policy. There are certain limitations, so be sure to ask your agent for further information.

Scheduled Personal Policy (Scheduled)
This is endorsement specifically covers "high value" items that tend to be more mobile than most items of Personal Property. Most often, this endorsement is thought of in terms of insuring jewelry!

Watercraft Endorsement
The Watercraft Endorsement extends the liability coverages provided under Coverage E & F if your policy.