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November 8, 2013


Steer clear of deer

Driving tips to avoid deer: 
  • Watch for deer between sunset and midnight, and during pre-dawn hours when they're most active.
  • Be especially attentive for deer during the October-to-January migration and mating season.
  • Slow down in posted deer-crossing areas.
  • If you see one deer, remember that others are probably nearby.
  • Use high beams at night in deer territory when there is no oncoming traffic.
  • If a deer is frozen in your headlights, honk your horn in a loud, sustained blast.
  • Don't rely on deer whistles or roadside reflectors; they have not been proven effective.
  • If you can't avoid a deer, brake and stay in your lane. Don't endanger other vehicles.
  • If you strike a deer, do not touch the animal. It may harm you or further injure itself.
  • Call police immediately if you hit or are hit by a deer.
  • Take pictures of the accident scene and vehicle damage for your insurance claim.
Sources: Insurance Information Institute.
Mitch Wilson, Ohio Insurance Institute.