Google+ Marshall Insurance Services ~ NC Insurance Blog: Auto Insurance: What is Comprehensive & Collision Coverage?

January 24, 2013

Auto Insurance: What is Comprehensive & Collision Coverage?

Comprehensive coverage pays for loss or damage to your vehicle caused by fire, theft, vandalism, hail, windstorm, riot, falling objects, flood, collision with an animal, and more. Your policy contract outlines the specific events that are covered.

Each Comprehensive claim is subject to a deductible (the amount you will pay out of pocket). You should choose a deductible that meets your financial needs; the higher the deductible, the lower the cost for carrying for this coverage.

Collision coverage pays for accidental damage to your vehicle caused by upset or collision with another vehicle or stationary object.

Each Collision claim is subject to a deductible (the amount you will pay out of pocket). You should choose a deductible that meets your financial needs; the higher the deductible, the lower the cost for carrying this coverage.

If you are financing or leasing your vehicle, then most likely the answer is yes. Most companies with a financial interest in your vehicle require you to carry both comprehensive and collision coverage, but you should refer to your lease or finance agreement to be sure.

Although Comprehensive and Collision coverage are frequently written together, it may be possible for you to carry either coverage by itself.