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January 9, 2013

Why do I pay for Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists coverage?

Over the past few years, North Carolina auto insurance rules have changed in regards to Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists coverage. While it used to be an optional coverage, it is now mandatory. A lot of people may wonder why it is an important coverage to have. Simply put, it will provide you with better protection in the event that you are involved in an accident with someone who does not have enough insurance to cover the claim.

A prime example of a claim that would require Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists coverage would be a hit and run. Even if you see the person drive off and you report it to the police with vivid details of the vehicle they may never catch who hit you. Without having any information on the other driver, you will have to pay for your own damages and expenses which could run into a lot of money out of your pocket. That is where your Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists coverage will come into play.

Unfortunately, even though there is a law in place a lot of people out there on the road do not carry insurance or they do not carry more than the minimum requirements. The minimum will only cover partial damages and most likely would not pay enough if they were involved in an accident. That is one of the reasons people tend to flee accident scenes.

To make up for other people’s lack of insurance, your policy includes coverage for those times when you are involved in an accident you have no control over. Hopefully it never happens to you, but if it does you can rest assured that your Uninsured and Underinsured Motorists coverage will have your back. Call our office with any questions you may have about your current auto insurance policy.